If you are having trouble making ends meet and you are getting behind on your mortgage payment you are in good company with lots of other good people. This is not the time for shame or fear, but instead a time for intelligent action. Before getting too far behind or even better yet, at the first signs of trouble, you need to learn your options. What if there was a way to get out from under the burden, ease the fear of losing your house? Would you want to know about it? With my extensive background and experience I have had the opportunity to assist many such people find their way out. It can mean different solutions for different people. I am Kay Russell, a real estate broker, with both a head and a heart. Let me know if you feel you might benefit from my insight on how to help move you to the other side of your current situation. russellgroup1@yahoo.com. THERE IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL AND IT IS NOT NECESSARILY A TRAIN! http://krussell.illinoishomezone.com
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