Have you read all about the 8 year old artist in Holt, England whose works are selling all over the globe? In an interview reprinted on Yahoo.com the artist, young Kieron Williamson, was asked if he had any advice for all of his followers. His response was something we all could embrace, "Never give up. Try and keep your buildings straight. Don't do a plain blue sky." These were the words of wisdom from young Kieron. To read, view a video, and see more about this intriguing young man, who has been dubbed the next Picasso, visit and enjoy his website:
I'm inspired, dazzled, and amazed by this young, accomplished artist and his words of wisdom speak to me..."Never give up. Try and keep your buildings straight. Don't do a plain blue sky." I think for today I'm absolutely NOT GOING TO DO A PLAIN BLUE SKY!